Marcio D’Olne


Marcio D’Olne Campos
is a Colaborating Professor at UNIRIO
(Museology and Cultural Heritage - PPGPMUS).
He is also an associated researcher at the Museum
of Astronomy and Related Sciences (MAST),
(Political Sociology - LESCE)
and at UFF–NUFEP.
He has a degree in Physics
(1965, PUC-RJ) and a Ph.D. in Solid State Physics
(1972, University of Montpellier, France). At UNICAMP
he was Professor at the Physics Institute (1972-92)
and at the Department of Anthropology as well as at
the Doctorate in Social Sciences in the special area
"Intellectual Itineraries and Ethnography
of Knowledge" (IFCH -1993-98). From 1999
to 2004 he was respectively, Visiting Professor in
the "Interdisciplinary Studies of Communities
and Social Ecology Program (EICOS/Institute
of Psych. UFRJ)"; in the Centre of Sciences
of Man (UENF) and in the Department of Social
Sciences and of the Nucleus of Distance Learning
(ne@ad) at UFES.
Since the 80s he has been
working in education (formal and non-formal) and anthropological
research on relations between society and nature
involving concepts, like rhythms and natural
and social time markers as well as in environmental
perception by local populations involving sky-earth
relations. The approach is mainly ethnographic for
the observation of local knowledge, daily practices
and techniques; these works include references on
archeoastronomy and ethno-astronomy. The fieldwork
is mainly centred among indigenous societies and coastal
populations. He has also developed educational projects
based on society/nature relations: Projects like ALDEBARÃ:
Naked Eye Observatory - UNICAMP
(1986) and "City Squares
- Observatory" in Araras and Peruíbe
(1991, SP), as well as the SULear proposal (to SOUTHernate
instead of to NORTHernate as in ORIENTate).